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I will
  • reduce my risk of cancer and other diseases
  • feel healthier and breathe easier
  • save so much money!
  • keep my skin looking young
  • not affect my friends and family with my smoking

Cancer Australia recommends: Not smoking tobacco and avoiding exposure to second-hand smoke to reduce your risk of cancer.

  • Smoking tobacco is the greatest preventable cause of cancer.
  • In Australia, 90% of lung cancer cases in men and 65% in women are estimated to be caused by smoking.
  • Smoking tobacco causes other types of cancer such as cancers of the head and neck, throat, bowel, stomach, pancreas, liver and kidney.
  • Quitting smoking can also contribute to improvements in health, including: dramatic drop in blood levels of carbon monoxide, a drop in heart rate and blood pressure, improved circulation and lung function, decreased coughing and shortness of breath, and reduced risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.
  • Quitting smoking not only benefits your health – it will save you money!

Quitting is too hard

While smoking is an addiction that is hard to give up, there many products, tools and sources of support to help you quit. It may take you a few serious attempts, but you’re not on your own and you will get there!


  • Visit the Quitnow website which has all the information and support you need to reach your goal of being a non-smoker.
  • Speak to a friendly and knowledgeable advisor at QuitLine – this can double your chances of quitting successfully.
  • Try using MyQuitBuddy, a personalised app to help you quit. You can celebrate milestones, share your success and add photos and recordings of loved ones as a reminder about why you’re binning the cigarettes.
  • Nicotine replacement products, including patches, gum or medication, can help to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

I’ve quit, but the occasional cigarette is okay

Tobacco is extremely addictive, which means even one cigarette can undo all your hard work and lead you back into full time smoking. Here are some ways to reduce cravings and stay on track:


  • Remove temptation by making your environment, like your house and your car, smoke-free.
  • Avoid spending time with people who smoke, or hang out with them in smoke-free venues.
  • Replace any urge to smoke with healthy snacking.

Did you know?

Within days of quitting your sense of taste and smell improves, within a month your blood pressure returns to its normal level, and after ten years your risk of lung cancer is less than half that of a continuing smoker and continues to decline (provided the disease is not already present).


Smoking is the only way I can alleviate stress

Break the smoking for stress cycle and find other ways to blow off steam:


  • Get fit while you quit with small changes to your daily routine such as getting off the bus one stop early, or taking the stairs instead of the lift.
  • Instead of smoking when you’re stuck in traffic, call a friend or take a soft rubber ball in the car to do hand exercises.
  • Treat yourself to a relaxing activity such as bushwalking, fishing, full body massage or a getaway with friends.

Myth buster

Quitting actually helps reduce stress. Within six months of quitting most people report that their overall mood is better and their stress levels lower than when they were smoking.


It’s too hard to resist a cigarette at social events

It can be difficult attending social situations where you are used to smoking, but with a few small changes you can break the habit and still catch up with friends:


  • Organise catch ups at smoke-free venues such as restaurants or the movies.
  • Keep your hands and mouth busy at social events, by chewing gum or holding a glass of water.
  • Buddy up with another non-smoking friend to remind each other of your goals to quit.
  • Remember that it’s okay to go home if the cravings get too bad.
  • Cut back on alcohol and caffeine as having a drink or a cup of coffee can trigger a craving for a cigarette.

Someone close to me smokes and I can’t convince them to quit

Smoking is not only harmful to those smoking the cigarette. Research shows there is no safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke, which also causes lung cancer.

To protect yourself and help someone you know who smokes, support them through their quitting journey:


  • Only 100% smoke-free environments provide effective protection. If you live with a smoker, keep the house smoke-free by removing ash trays and lighters or anything else that might remind them of the habit.
  • If it’s a friend or colleague, keep them distracted with ‘Cig-Free Catch-Ups’ and send them inspirational texts or emails to remind them how well they’re doing.
  • Give them a friendly reminder about the effect of their smoking on others. Let them know that even brief exposure to second-hand smoke can be harmful.

Did you know?

Of the more than 4000 chemicals present in tobacco smoke, more than 60 have been identified as cancer causing chemicals.
