Your cancer risk summary

@{{resultSunsmart == 'good' ? 'Happy face' : 'Sad face'}}
@{{resultSolarium == 'good' ? 'Happy face' : 'Sad face'}}

Cancer Australia recommends

  • avoiding excessive sun exposure and solaria, and
  • wearing sunscreen and protective clothing to lower your risk of skin cancer.
Find out more on how to be sun smart
@{{resultSmoking == 'good' ? 'Happy face' : 'Sad face'}}

Cancer Australia recommends

  • not smoking, and
  • avoiding exposure to second-hand smoke to lower your risk of cancer.
Find out more on how to quit smoking
Alcohol drinks
@{{resultAlcohol == 'good' ? 'Happy face' : 'Sad face'}}

Cancer Australia recommends

If alcoholic drinks are consumed:

  • for men, limit your intake to no more than two standard drinks each day
  • for women, further limit your intake to one standard drink to reduce cancer risk.
Find out more on alcohol
@{{resultFruit == 'good' ? 'Happy face' : 'Sad face'}}
@{{resultVegetables == 'good' ? 'Happy face' : 'Sad face'}}

Cancer Australia recommends

  • aiming for 5 serves of vegetables and 2 serves of fruit every day
  • eating foods high in fibre, including unprocessed cereals (grains) and pulses (legumes), and
  • limiting your intake of red meat, processed meat and salt to lower your risk of cancer.
Find out more on healthy eating
Body weight scales + Measuring tape
@{{resultWeight == 'good' ? 'Happy face' : 'Sad face'}}

Cancer Australia recommends

  • achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight within a BMI range of 18.5 to 25 kg/m2 to lower your risk of cancer, and
  • achieving and maintaining a waist circumference of below 94 cm (37 in) for men and below 80 cm (31.5 in) for women.
Find out more on how to reach a healthy body weight
Tennis player Running man
@{{resultExercise == 'good' ? 'Happy face' : 'Sad face'}}

Cancer Australia recommends

  • aiming for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every day, and
  • limiting sedentary habits, such as watching television, to lower your risk of cancer.
Find out more on exercise and being active